Blackshaws Road Pharmacy

Orthoplex Vitamin E Synergy 60c

Orthoplex Vitamin E Synergy 60c

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Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy 60c

Synergistically Regenerating Vitamin E

10% off RRP at HealthMasters

Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy is part of the Orthoplex White Range

Pack Size: 60 Capsule

Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy Allergen Advice: Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free. Contains soya bean products and sulfites.

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Product Summary

Product Summary: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Synergistically Regenerating Vitamin E

Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy combines the eight isomers of mixed tocopherols and mixed tocotrienols with a specific synergistic blend of antioxidants, including alpha lipoic acid and vitamin C to support the regeneration of vitamin E.

Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy delivers a carefully selected dose of active mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. Vitamin E Synergy is also proudly non-GMO, titanium
dioxide-, iron oxide- and magnesium stearate-free.

  • Non-GMO sourced mixed tocopherols, tocotrienols and excipients
  • Light-protective softgel colour derived from natural chlorophyll
  • Free from: iron oxide, titanium dioxide and magnesium stearate
  • Specific synergistic blend of ascorbic acid, glutathione and alpha lipoic acid which are involved in the antioxidant network

Dose: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Adult Dose

Take 1 soft gel capsule daily or as recommended by your registered healthcare practitioner.


Indications: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

  • Contains vitamin E, part of an antioxidant network, including vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid, that protects cells from oxidative stress
  • Vitamin E’s antioxidant activity is important in the maintenance of blood capillary and cardiovascular system health
  •  Contains alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant which aids the metabolism and regeneration of other antioxidants
Technical information

Technical information: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Contains vitamin E, part of an antioxidant network that protects cells from oxidative damage

Vitamin E is involved in many biochemical processes in the body, but its most important biological function is that of an antioxidant and working within the antioxidant network. The actions of the electron donor activity relate to maintenance of membrane integrity in body tissue, providing protection from destructive
reactive oxidation species.3

Taking a larger perspective, the collective antioxidant activity at each cell membrane protects the body’s tissues and organs from undue oxidative stress.3

Contains vitamin E which protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes from lipid peroxidation

Vitamin E prevents free radical damage to polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) within the phospholipid layer of each cell membrane. It does this by reacting with free radical molecules and forming a tocopheroxyl radical, which then leaves the cell membrane.
It has been estimated that, for every 1000-2000 molecules of phospholipid, there is one molecule of vitamin E for antioxidant defence.

Recycling of vitamin E

In neutralising free radicals, vitamin E continuously produces lipid peroxyl radicals, reactive oxygen species that can trigger lipid peroxidation reactions.3 Inadequate recycling of this oxidised form of vitamin E to the potent reduced form may lead to accumulation of oxidised vitamin E. To counter this, oxidised vitamin E reacts with
vitamin C (or other hydrogen donors) in the extracellular space to become reduced and, therefore, regenerated.3 As a result, vitamin C limits potential damage from free radicals.5 In this way, vitamin E activity is influenced by what has been called the ‘antioxidant network’, which restores vitamin E to its unoxidised state, ready to act as an antioxidant many times over. Thiols such as dihydrolipoate also support the recycling of vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione (see Figure 1).4

References available upon request

 Figure 1: Recycling of Vitamin E by the Antioxidant Network6

 Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy 10% off RRP at HealthMasters Orthoplex White Figure 1


Ingredients: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Each capsule contains
Mixed (low-alpha type) tocopherols concentrate 150.0mg
- equiv. Alpha tocopherol 11.3mg
- equiv. Beta tocopherol 3.0mg
- equiv. Gamma tocopherol 96.0mg
- equiv. Delta tocopherol 45.0mg
Palm tocotrienols complex 80.0mg
- equiv. Mixed tocotrienols 30.8mg
- equiv. Alpha tocotrienol 9.6mg
- equiv. Beta tocotrienol 1.6mg
- equiv. Gamma tocotrienol 12.0mg
- equiv. Delta tocotrienol 4.0mg
Ascorbic acid 100.0mg
Glutathione (Setria) 5.0mg
Alpha lipoic acid 50.0mg

Excipients: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Chlorophyllin-copper complex, gelatin, glycerol, lecithin, coconut medium chain triglycerides, palm fruit oil, purified water, vegetable oil, yellow beeswax.

Allergen Advice

Allergen Advice: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Gluten Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free

Contains soya bean products and sulfites.


Storage: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Store below 25°C in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.


Warning: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Only suitable for adults.

Contains soya bean products and sulfites.

Pregnancy & Lactation

Pregnancy & Lactation: Orthoplex White Vitamin E Synergy

Pregnancy & lactation not advised

Orthoplex White

Orthoplex White

Orthoplex White Label is a range for clinical practitioners, developed for the increasing complexity of ailments presenting in clinic. To purchase products in the Orthoplex White Label range, patients must have a consultation with a clinical practitioner. Stockists of this range are bound by a contractual set of selling standards, ensuring the products are used correctly, and contributing to the robust integrity of the industry.

'I am impressed with the quality and effectiveness of Orthoplex White Label products. I have prescribed Orthoplex White Label products to my patients for over 30 years. Orthoplex White Label products have assisted me in successfully helping many 1000's of patients to better health.'

HealthMasters Naturopath Kevin Tresize ND

The Orthoplex White Label range was developed by nutritional biochemist Henry Osieki. Henry is an award-winning biochemist who, after years in clinic, developed the Orthoplex label Range of Naturopathic Medicines. The Orthoplex White Label range is known for being the first to market with new formulations, incorporating the latest in clinical research.

Orthoplex White Label formulations have always focused on providing the correct dosage for specific biochemical pathways, rather than just delivering the largest dose possible.

Orthoplex White Label is a practitioner range of naturopathic products and should be taken according to the recommendation of a qualified practitioner.

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