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Designs For Health NR Supreme

Designs For Health NR Supreme

Regular price $37.76 AUD
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Designs For Health NR Supreme

100% Nicotinamide riboside

Assists with NAD+ production and enhances NAD+ levels in the body

Size: 30 Vegetarian Capsules   Servings Per Pack: 30 serves

Designs For Health NR Supreme Summary:

Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is one of the most well-studied nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursors due to its capacity to elevate NAD+ levels in the body

  • 100% Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride
  • Contains 300 mg Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride per capsule
  • Assists with NAD+ Production
  • Enhances NAD+ levels in the body
  • Vegan Friendly

Designs For Health NR Supreme AUST L 394330

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In the body, NR (Nicotinamide Riboside) converts to NMN (Nicotinamide Mono Nucleotide) which is then converted in the cell to Nicotinamide NAD (Adenine Dinucleotide).

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Directions: Designs For Health NR Supreme

Adults: Take one capsule daily

or as directed by your health professional.


Benefits: Designs For Health NR Supreme

  • Increases NAD+ status and replenishes the body’s NAD+ pool
  • Provides nutritional support for NAD+ replenishment which can:
    • Support energy production
    • Support healthy aging
    • Provide antioxidant support
Active Ingredients

Active Ingredients: Designs For Health NR Supreme

Active Ingredients (per vegetarian hard capsule)
Nicotinamide Riboside Chloride 300mg
equiv. ribose 154.8mg

Excipients: Designs For Health NR Supreme

Hydrated silica, Hypromellose, Purified water

Allergen Information

Allergen Information: Designs For Health NR Supreme

No Added: Soy, Dairy, Nuts, Eggs, Yeast, Sesame.

Free From: Colours, Flavours, Benzoates, Sulfites, Sorbates.

Vegan Friendly


Warnings: Designs For Health NR Supreme

Not to be taken by children under 12 years old.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation.

Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

Contains ribose which is a sugar.


Education: Designs For Health NR Supreme


Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is one of the most well-studied nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) precursors due to its capacity to elevate NAD+ levels in the body

Mechanism of Action

Nicotinamide (NAM) is required for the synthesis of NAD+, an essential coenzyme involved in several metabolic pathways. In fact, an estimated 200 enzymes – including dehydrogenases – require NAD and NADP as coenzymes. As an electron carrier, NAD+ is necessary for oxidative reactions that occur in the cytosol and mitochondria. Due to its capacity to extract energy from substrates, NAD+ is fundamental to cellular health. NAD+ is also required for carbohydrate oxidation during adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production.



Nicotinamide is absorbed predominantly in the small intestine via facilitated diffusion. Once in the bloodstream, nicotinamide moves across cell membranes via passive diffusion.

Metabolism to NAD+:

NR acts as a precursor in producing NAD+ via two pathways:

  • The NRK1/2 Pathway

NR is phosphorylated to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) by the enzyme NR kinase Nrk1. The resulting MNM is then converted to NAD+ by NMN adenylyltransferase.

  • The salvage pathway

NR, Nicotinic acid (NA) or NAM is converted to NMN under the influence of the enzyme nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). NMN is then converted to NAD+ by nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT aka NMN transferase).

NR has the ability to maintain intracellular levels of NAD+ in the body.4 In the first human clinical trial conducted with NR, results found that blood NAD+ levels can increase up to 2.7 fold with a single oral dose of NR.

A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial consisting of 113 people receiving NR in combination with pterostilbene (NRPT) found that the group receiving NRPT at 250mg per day had significantly increased NAD+ levels to 40% over baseline.


The enzyme glycohydrolase transforms NAD into adenosine diphosphate-ribose and nicotinamide. The resulting nicotinamide is then released from cells for processing by the liver. Nicotinamide undergoes methylation and oxidation in the liver – its metabolites are then excreted in the urine. Much of the free nicotinamide is reabsorbed into the body via glomerular filtrate 

Designs For Health NR Supreme 10% off RRP at HealthMasters Designs For Health Figure 1 The Salvage Pathway

Figure 1: The salvage pathway

In the salvage pathway, the precursors are converted into an intermediate called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) through nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). Then NMN is converted into NAD+ via nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT). NAD+ generated by this pathway is consumed by multiple enzymes including sirtuins, PARPs, and cADPR synthases.

Designs For Health NR Supreme 10% off RRP at HealthMasters Designs For Health Figure 2 The NRK1-2 Pathway

Figure 2: The NRK1/2 Pathway.4

NRK 1/2 mediated NAD+ biosynthesis pathway. Nicotinamide riboside (NR) is metabolised by nicotinamide riboside kinase (NRK 1/2) to nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and subsequently converted to NAD+ by NMN-adenylyltransferase (NMNAT) activity).

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