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Designs For Health

Designs For Health GI Microb-X

Designs For Health GI Microb-X

Regular price $33.26 AUD
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Designs For Health GI Microb-X

Supports Gastrointestinal Health

Includes black walnut and pomegranate traditionally used in Western and Chinese herbal medicine for their vermifuge action to help remove intestinal threadworms/pinworms. Supports gastrointestinal health.

Size: 60 Capsules    Serving Per Pack: 30 serves

Designs For Health GI Microb-X Summary:

  • New and Improved formula – Now with two forms of Pomegranate.
  • Comprehensive formulation of herbal extracts, including Berberis, Pomegranate and Black Walnut – traditionally used in Western and Chinese herbal medicine to expel intestinal worms, eliminate pinworms, and support GI health.
  • Contains 4.5 g of a blend of Pomegranate hull and fruit to support gastrointestinal system health and provide antioxidant support.
  • Vegan Friendly

    Designs For Health GI Microb-X No added Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Egg, or Nuts.

    Designs For Health GI Microb-X AUST L 336384


    Directions: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    Adults: Take 2 capsules per day or as directed by your healthcare practitioner


    Description: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    Parasitic infections are a highly prevalent global health issue that can cause inflammation, immune activation, nutritional deficiencies and psychological distress, as well as many challenging clinical symptoms. Effectively eradicating parasites and the associated clinical symptoms can be difficult in many cases due to chronic parasitic exposure causing ongoing reinfection and drug resistance development.

    Consequently, a common therapeutic approach is to use a combination of herbal extracts with a long history of use for their antimicrobial and vermifuge properties. This approach can be effective for several reasons, including the significant range of active components naturally present in herbal extracts that function synergistically on various biological targets and pathways and having the capacity for repeated dosage as is often required to break the parasitic lifecycle without inhibiting therapeutic efficacy or causing parasitic resistance.

    Pinworm Infection

    Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), also referred to as ‘threadworm’ or seatworm’, is a common intestinal pathogenic parasite that is unique due to its pervasive presence across all socioeconomic population levels. The onset of symptoms associated with pinworm infection is known as ‘enterobiasis’. The significant prevalence of pinworm infection is a consequence of it being the most easily transmissible parasite, usually via faecal-oral or transdermal transference and subsequent autoinfection.

    The simple pinworm lifecycle involves three predominant stages, eggs, larvae and adults, occurring in the gastrointestinal lumen. Following exposure to infective eggs, the larvae pass through the stomach, hatch in the small intestine (a process known as ‘oviposition’) and then move down to the large intestine, where they are highly concentrated.

    The primary location within the large intestine and the process of oviposition occurring when the host is sleeping cause the onset of the characteristic symptoms of ‘enterobiasis’. Characteristic clinical symptoms include nocturnal perianal itching, irritability, sleeplessness, enuresis, extraintestinal granuloma and impaired daytime cognition. Other symptoms include transient lactose intolerance, nutritional deficiencies, vulvovaginitis and lower urinary tract infection.

    Designs For Health GI Microb-X 10% off RRP Figure 1 Lifecycle Of A Pinworm

    Figure 1 Lifecycle Of A Pinworm

    Vermifuge Herbs

    Herbal extracts, with a long history of use for their antimicrobial and vermifuge properties, have played an important role in traditional paradigms for supporting gastrointestinal balance. The use of Artemisia annua, Berberis aristata, Berberis vulgaris, and Juglans nigra in various medicinal systems for this purpose, including Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese, Native American and general traditional medicine, are being validated with current investigations confirming a range of mechanisms that support their traditional use.


    Belonging to the Lythraceae family, all parts of the Punica granatum plant, particularly the fruit (seeds) and hull (peel), are considered to possess medicinal properties attributed to a range of constituent groups, including alkaloids, anthocyanins, anthocyanidins, tannins, flavonoids, phenolics, proanthocyanidins, sterols, terpenes, and xanthonoids.

    Its historical application in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic paradigms as a blood purifier to promote intestinal balance in the presence of parasites is based on several mechanisms observed in in vitro and in vivo investigations.

    Specifically, pomegranate seed and hull have demonstrated vermifuge and gastroprotective properties underpinned by antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

    Such mechanisms include ameliorating intestinal structural tissue damage by downregulating local oxidative stress (reducing reactive oxygen species and increasing catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase levels) and inflammatory markers (inducible nitric oxide synthase [iNOS], tumour necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-?], cyclo-oxygenase-2 [COX-2), nuclear factor kappa-B [NF-?B] and interleukins [IL] -6, -8, and -1?). It also supports gastrointestinal integrity by promoting beneficial microbiome balance and enhancing tight junction protein levels (zonulin, occludin, claudin-1, and claudin-3)


    Ingredients: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    Each hard capsule contains:
    Tribulus terrestris (Tribulus) extract 200mg
    Equiv. dry root 10g
    Berberis aristate (Indian Barberry) 100mg
    Equiv. dry root 4g
    Juglans nigra (Black Walnut) 100mg
    Equiv. dry fruit hull 1g
    Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) 50mg
    Equiv. dry root 550mg
    Artemisia annua (Sweet Wormwood) 75mg
    Equiv. dry herb 1.5g

    Excipients: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    Calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, medium chain triglycerides (octanoic acid), colloidal anhydrous silica, magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, hypromellose, purified water.

    Does not contain gluten.

    Allergen Information

    Allergen Information: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    No added: Gluten, Dairy, Soy, Egg, or Nuts.

    Free From: Sulphites, Benzoates, Sorbates.

    Vegan Friendly

    Contains tree nuts


    Warning: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    Not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women.

    Do not use if pregnant or likely to become pregnant.

    If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

    Prescribing Information

    Prescribing Information: Designs For Health GI Microb-X

    Berberine may enhance the activity of bilirubin displacing medications and those metabolised via hepatic CYP3A4 enzymes.1,2

    Contraindicated in individuals hypersensitive to members of the Asteraceae family.

    Caution is advised for use in individuals with gallstones or biliary disorders.3

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